
Why isn’t being yourself enough for some people?

Even if I could read your mind, what kind of story would you write?

How can we make it right?

Time after time

We’re expiring, wasting moments admiring who I couldn’t be.

I had to stay true to me.

Facing the mirror— a juxtaposition to age won’t crack under the pressure.

A diamond in the hay riddled with needles.

Needless to say,

it’s a safe.


I proclaim my transformation.

Optimistic in my Prime:









Why is being yourself too much for people?

Vacuums in the space

A swirl of emotion displaced in a Milk Way of consciousness.

I’m black like the cosmos.

The stars look like dragon scales, and the breeze is subtle like hummingbirds.

We are the fruit – knowledge is the nectar.

Why do we have to bury seeds in darkness so they can cherish the sun?

Life without it ain’t nuthin, don’t quit your day job if you won’t give up frontin’.

We live to stunt. We hype the stunts, and

Stunt the runts thirsty for the love.

You the plug.

You the one.

Nourish the mind, body, soul, spirit open to the divine energy;

peacefully surrendering your ego.

Your heart will grow roots, as it attaches itself to your body.

Don’t be sorry, but don’t be surprised.

When we’re ascending there is no baggage rule for the flight.

Sit tight. Stay grounded. Let your soul levitate.

Faith is nonnegotiable.

Being anti-social doesn’t solve loneliness. Keep roaming.

Even without presence your realness can never be denied.

Stay tight. Stay light.

Keep up the,



Have Mercy

I contemplate suicide but you feeling guilty is what keeps me alive

I don’t want to point fingers or call names

It’s love that keeps me alive and I would never regret feeling this way.

Purpose for what it’s worth is expensive

Dignity is a rich mans trash

Endurance is treasure to the wanders

Wondering what exists in the darkness

They call space

The space

Vacuuming and consuming

Nobody sees the ugly parts of galaxies

Aliens are make believe

You are the furthest thing from perfect

The flaws are what make it worth it

Floss until you get under the surface

Rediscovering the left over pieces of your heart

You hid when you were a kid.

Squeeze those feelings

Caress those fears

Kiss the blemishes everyone told you not to pop

Now they are scars but to your face they call them beauty marks

They’re moles

Informants of the soul

The map telling your thoughts to your heart

Only to realize you’ve struck gold.




Have mercy

On the ones who think they are beyond hurting

No fucks left to give but reciting every fuckme

Fuck my life

But if anyone asks

Shit isn’t so bad

When you think about your life without considering your past

Make it last

Make it fast

But don’t come too soon

This little light of mine

Ain’t so bright with out the

sun or the moon.


The Best Part

The best pieces come from broken smiles.

Once it’s complete the peace burst through so painfully.

Why does happiness feel so uncomfortable?

Strange Fiction.

Gathered ‘round telling stories

Gentle whispers brush up against me, and remind me I’m not here to stay.

I don’t decide when to leave.

Trapped & Safe

Wasting away like time

Everyone believes still no one understands

Knowing what’s in front of them is just another moment they’ll forget.


The Miseducation of the misunderstood

The Miseducation of the misunderstood harbors overwhelming anxiety; which creates layers underneath the shell.

Always home like a tortoise, but I am a nomad in my own body.

The feeling of loneliness sets in every time one of my personalities decide to leave.

I am wandering

Invested in a venture that is company to misery.

I declare communicative bankruptcy.

Do me the service of sending all my messages, subliminally. This misinterpreted status will be one for the books.

Face it —

Who are we without the royalties in freedom of speech?

Too many unwritten rights you have, that wasn’t taught to me.

Do you know me?

Do I know you?

How valuable is identity to a thief? The only benefit in this hijacking is the doubt you will finally understand that…

I volunteered, but I never asked.

Never raised my hand in class.

So many questions that still need an answer

So many answers that should be questions.

What will be the solution?

It seems I’m the problem.

I am a weapon – non lethal

A dangerous mind shooting stars

Trynna reach the moon, cause I was told that’s as far as love can go.

I am a victim of time!

Trapped behind the bars in the same cage the bird sung.

Those melodies still linger.

The ink blots begin to show.

I think it’s bleeding through!

I use to dream in cursive until…

Murder she wrote.

Now it’s killing me softly.

The standard is to understand

The extreme is to overstep.

The Miseducation of the misunderstood can’t be taught only felt.


Everything is Black

Everything is black —

I can’t remember much

Just the touch of the Angels that’s helping me up.

Looking at my stiffened body is chilling.

As I

Throw my head back – the smoke has me ascending.

Deep breathes spread the embers that keep my soul lit.

I wander

I find myself walking towards the light with a regrettable peacefulness.

The roots have been spoiled with magic and shaded by myths.

Is this a test?

A trust testament of my growth or just the repercussions of my actions.

I am at a loss for words, incomplete sentences like ad-libs.

I am wondering.

Searching for the nouns like symbols and the beats of adjectives like mad-lib.

I am running.

Racing my shadow like I’ve rescued my inner child.

Now we’re crying so hysterically it turns into laughter.

And then…

Everything is black.


The Storms Arrival


Another levy in my heart broke.

This flood of emotions took over my being, not just my body.

This is a type of pain I am familiar with, but haven’t seen since the last disaster.

At this point I have applied so many stitches…I am barely holding on to this last piece of thread.

Face it

I’m damaged goods.

Face it.

Face her.

Face yourself at the fork in the road.

Before you reach the emptiness that held my love in place.

That in-between

That uncertainty

Like the choice of whether you’ll take the streets or the highway.

The highway is too much freedom, and we’ll get where we’re too fast…which is nowhere.

Instead you use the backstreets to buy time, little did you know, I too am paying attention.

The rain is getting heavy now.

My soul feels like it’s drowning in my body.

I’d give anything not feel anything right now.

I’ve learned

I can prepare for a storm, but I can’t predict it.
